

The genTopo command generates a network topology to be used in the payment channel network simulator. PCNsim offers network topology modeling following a small-world topology or a scale-free topology as the Lighnint Network presents behavior similar to both types.


Usage: genTopo [OPTIONS]

  Generates a topology for the simulation

  -t, --topology [scale-free|barabasi-albert|watts-strogatz]
                                  Topology used in the simulation
  -n, --nodes INTEGER             Number of nodes in the topology
  --alpha FLOAT                   Alpha parameter for scale-free topology
  --beta FLOAT                    Beta parameter for scale-free topology
  --gamma FLOAT                   Gamma parameter for scale-free topology
  -k INTEGER                      K parameter for Watts-Strogatz graph
  -p FLOAT                        P parameter for Watts-Strogatz graph
  -m INTEGER                      M parameter for Barabasi-Albert graph
  --lightning                     Channel capacities are modeled following
                                  real-world lightning network channels

  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Default Values

  • -t, --topology: Type of network topology that will be used to run the PCN simulation. We offer 3 types of network topology: scale-free, Barabasi-Albert, and Watts-Strogatz. It’s worth noting that Barabasi-Albert and Watts-Strogatz graph model are small-world topology. The user may choose the network topology by selecting the topology option followed by the string "scale-free", "barabasi-albert", or "watts-strogatz", depending on the type of topology the the user choses.

    • Default value: "scale-free"

  • -n, --nodes: Number of nodes that make up the network topology. This value has to be an integer.

    • Default value: 10

  • --alpha: Parameter alpha used to generate a scale-free network topology. This parameter is only used if the scale-free topology is chosen to model the network. Alpha is a float type parameter.

    • Default value: 0.5

  • --beta: Parameter beta used to generate a scale-free network topology. This parameter is only used if the scale-free topology is chosen to model the network. Beta is a float type parameter.

    • Default value: 1e-05

  • --gamma: Parameter gamma used to generate a scale-free network topology. This parameter is only used if the scale-free topology is chosen to model the network. It’s worth noting that alpha + gamma = 1. Gamma is a float type parameter.

    • Default value: 0.49999

  • --k: Parameter k used to generate a scale-free network topology. This parameter is only used if the watts-strogatz topology is chosen to model the network. K is an integer type parameter.

    • Default value: 2

Example Usage

  • Model channels following the real-world Lightning Network channel capacity. It’s worth mentioning that this options does not model the network topology following the Lightning Network topology, only its channel parameters. The network topology follows a scale-free network model.

$ python3 genTopo --lightning

Setting topology to scale-free
Setting n to 10
Setting alpha to 0.5
Setting beta to 1e-05
Setting gamma to 0.49999